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Timestamps can be created with the Capture Timestamp Obsidian command.

This will make PodNotes capture the current playback time to the active note, in the format given in the plugin settings.


For timestamps, you can use the following format strings:

  • {{time}}: The current playback time. Default format is HH:mm:ss.
  • {{linktime}}: The current playback time, formatted as a link to the current episode. Default format is HH:mm:ss.

Both of these allow for custom formatting. By using {{time:format}} or {{linktime:format}}, you can specify a custom Moment.js format.

For example, you might use {{time:H\h mm\m ss\s}} to get the time in the format 0h 20m 37s.

Capturing timestamps

You can use the Capture Timestamp command by using the PodNotes: Capture Timestamp command in the command palette.

On desktop, it is possible to bind this command to a hotkey, which makes it faster to use while writing. You can bind hotkeys in the Hotkeys tab of the Obsidian settings.

On mobile, you can bind the Capture Timestamp command to a button in the editor toolbar. That is the toolbar which appears when you are editing text on mobile devices.

You can set this up by going to the Mobile tab of the Obsidian settings. When there, you can add the PodNotes: Capture Timestamp command to the editor toolbar. If it hasn't already been added as an option, it is either under More toolbar options, or you can add it manully by entering PodNotes: Capture Timestamp in the Add global command field.

You can change the order of the buttons in the editor toolbar by dragging them up and down. The further up they are, the more to the left they will be.